wave or particle

Quantum 101 Episode 1: Wave Particle Duality Explained

What is the Wave/Particle Duality? Part 1

Particles and waves: The central mystery of quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel

Wave Particle Duality - Basic Introduction

Is light a particle or a wave? - Colm Kelleher

Is Light A Particle Or A Wave?

What is Wave Particle Duality?

Wave-Particle Duality and other Quantum Myths

What are Standing Waves? What are their characteristics?

First Ever Image of Atoms Turning Into Quantum Waves...Is Kinda Mind-Blowing!

The Wave/Particle Duality - Part 2

Wave-Particle Duality and the Photoelectric Effect

Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?

Wave-Particle Duality of Light

Are Photons & Electrons Particles or Waves? Make up your mind god!

Can You Capture a Light Wave? Mind-Blowing Wave-Particle Duality Experiment!

Is Light a Wave or Particle? Both or Neither?

3. Wave-Particle Duality of Light

What Is A Particle? A Visual Explanation of Quantum Field Theory

Is The Wave Function The Building Block of Reality?

Quantum Physics for Dummies - Is Electron a Wave or a Particle?

The Weird Experiment that Changes When Observed

Double Slit Experiment explained! by Jim Al-Khalili

The Attribute of Light Science Still Can't Explain